Carcassonne Session Report


My first impression of Carcassonne was that it wouldn’t be that much fun. Many of the people in the classroom already started screaming & laughing out loud right from the start of their games. To my surprise, as we started drawing more pieces, and building more structures, the game got really interesting! However, I also realized that I apparently either really sucked at this game, or had really bad luck.


I started off very poorly (I was the yellow piece). The people around me were building roads, but since they were building them before me, all the pieces I drew ended up helping everyone else around me. I basically had no hope. The game changer was when I drew one a missionary piece—to which I could assign a priest to earn me an “easy” 9 points.


After a while, I started developing on my strategy—which was basically to close off my structures as fast as I could to earn the points, and place pieces near opponents’ structures in such a way that would block them from completing them (to earn the points for those structures). This seemed to be the best strategy—and on top of that, my luck started changing. I got developed another missionary—pushing me to victory!


This game was lots of fun! I really didn’t want to leave, but I had to. Carcassonne was so simple, yet so complex at the same time. The players have the choice to play the game any way they wanted—and can mix up their strategies for each of their structures. Over all, I would definitely play this game again. I can’t wait to play it with my family and friends!


This was the final board (myself as yellow, Jonathan as green, Nelson as red, and Tyler as blue).


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