Treasure Hunter Prototype

I decided to go a different route from Cloud Climber. It was a fun project, but it lacked a certain element that would set it apart from other similar games—like Doodle Jump. Wanting to make a new, “artsy” game, I started developing Treasure Hunter.

Some of the mechanics of this game are similar to Cloud Climber—I reused some code/settings—but over all, it’s completely different! I wanted to go with more of an adventure-type feel rather than a confined, iPhone game feel. So I decided to let users explore the map to collect treasures.


The “interesting factor” in this game is that as you progress, you don’t necessarily advance in the traditional sense in games. In Treasure Hunted, the character grows older as he progresses through the story/levels. In the beginning, he starts off young and strong. As he progresses, he gets a bit stronger—but only until he reaches a plateau. Once that plateau is reached, he starts losing skills—like jumping ability, speed, etc.—which makes it harder for him to complete levels. Eventually, he gets old enough to where he can’t be a treasure hunter anymore, and retires.

This has been a fun game to design. So far, I’ve been focusing on the mechanics. Next, I want to work on the aesthetics because I believe that’s the part that will “make” the game.

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